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Mato Grosso do Sul is a state located in the central-western region of Brazil, renowned for its remarkable natural beauty, including the world’s largest tropical wetland area, the Pantanal. The state’s capital, Campo Grande, serves as the gateway to this vast and biodiverse region, attracting nature enthusiasts and wildlife lovers from around the world. The Pantanal, characterized by its seasonal floods, is home to a remarkable array of wildlife, including jaguars, capybaras, caimans, and hundreds of bird species. It offers exceptional opportunities for eco-tourism, wildlife observation, and photography in an unparalleled natural setting.

The state also boasts the beautiful Serra da Bodoquena, known for its pristine rivers, crystal-clear waterfalls, and unique limestone caves. The Bonito region, located within Serra da Bodoquena, is famous for its extraordinary aquatic experiences, with activities like snorkeling in crystal-clear rivers and exploring stunning underground caves. Mato Grosso do Sul is a paradise for those seeking an immersive natural experience, offering a captivating mix of wetlands, tropical forests, and unique geological formations.

A. Eloi

I'm a mixture of Things, Thoughts, Dreams, Smells, Tastes and Flavour, Roads and Curves, Trails and Paths. Read more...

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